Why Us ?

Our dream was to create a lifestyle and particularly a system of trading that will fulfil our dream of being able to make money at will from our laptop, anywhere and anytime we choose. We wanted to be able to open our laptop and trade for 2 to 3 hours, place several trades and win most of our trades day in day out. Then we could close up our computer and enjoy our lives free from financial limitation and concerns.

In the process we spent over 30 years and many tens of thousands of dollars andhave lost all that we had, struggled and taken huge risks and failed many times. But we never gave up our dream. Our vison initially was to be able to make our money for ourselves to be able to travel and enjoy the world. It was a selfish pursuit of hedonism and fortune. But as they say if it was easy then everyone would be doing it. We found out just how hard it is!

And in our travels and through lifes hard lessons we realized that many manyother people also had the same dream of being able to live life on their terms, to feel empowered and free.

And gradually our focus shifted from just wanting money for ourselves to wanting to help others. We wanted to save others the hardships and from going through the pitfalls associated with chasing the dream of a better life, particularly in the manner in which we went about it.

We designed horse racing systems, on and off line gambling systems and managed teams of gamblers trading our systems. We developed forex trading systems, had software developed and sold it, traded large funds with teams of traders trading 24/6. We developed and taught courses in trading, attempted to build MLM companies. We began home based internet businesses and invested in what turned out to be nothing more than Ponzi schemes.

Essentially there is not much we have not explored, trialled and errored and for the most part lost it all and did not see the results we were looking for.

We have finally had our breakthrough in developing our Futures trading method and feel so excited to be able to share it with others who can benefit from it as we are. We are hoping to save others from having to go through what we have by making available our software , training and support so we can all live the life of our dreams.

We would love to be part of the solution to a global problem of financial stress and hardship where people are struggling to make a living and not experiencing a life filled with passion and purpose.
We see that we can play our part in making our lives more enjoyable with freedom and time and money to do the things we love with the people we love.