About Our Method


Videos and screenshots explaining
Many examples

Our point of difference is we using Volume and Order Flow Analytics which are LEADING INDICATORS
These give us an insight into what the banks, hedge funds and institutional traders are doing. As they are the market makers and the market moves because of their decisions it is extremely beneficial to us to know which way they are intending to trade and to trade along with them.
Our software allows us to look behind the curtain, to have xray vision and see exactly what they are doing.
Armed with this knowledge we can anticipate with a greater than 70% accuracy which way it will move
So instead of trading blindly we can see the auction between the buyers and sellers, see where the money is going.
The banks don’t use LAGGING INDICATORS but until now the everyday person, the retail trader has been using technologies which is outdated and largely irrelevant. Lagging indicators such as MACD, RSI Stochastics and moving averages and all the countless derivations of these indicators are all algorithms based on historical data in the hope that they will provide some insight into which way the market will move.
And this is exactly why over 95% of retail traders fail to realise their dream of being a self empowered trader. It is not so much that they are not disciplined or patient enough, that they break their trding rules and gamble, that they cant control their emotions.
As we have found through testing countless of these systems and indicators over many years and listened to the developers tell traders it is their fault.
We are here to say it is NOT YOUR FAULT!
The systems and technologies you were trading with are not sophisticated enough , they do not show what really drives the market so you are left hoping that your trades will win.
This lack of confidence is what destroys traders as they know that they are essentially guessing and that their systems will ultimately fail.
What drives the markets is volume and order flow and by analysing this data then the guesswork and merely hoping is taken out of the equation.
IT is true that no system if 100% successful but by being able to look behind the scenes and observe the realtime data of banks decisions we can confidently assess which way to trade using our LEADING INDICATORS in a way that was never previously possible with lagging indicators that everyone has been using and failing with.

Check out these videos and examples of how we trade with a greater than 70% accuracy and in so doing trade confidently and calmly and profitably.